Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What is going on??????

It seems as if these quilts are just not supposed to get made.  I was going to use mom's old treadle machine but it has no reverse on it and the quilt is too big to try to turn it around when I need to back track over the seam allowances.

I set up my grandmother's Futura sewing machine. HATE IT!!!  It is the most complicated sewing machine I have ever used.  If you don't get the thread through the discs "just right", then you can't sew.  It took me 30 minutes last night to get the machine threaded and working.  This morning, I was going to get at least one row of the individual squares sewn.  I was 2 squares away from completing row 10 when the bobbin ran out of thread.  I replaced the bobbin and now, after wasting another 15 minutes, it still will not sew right.  The thread is not feeding.  What idiot made this machine and why would they make it so complicated?!*%$#>#*&^. 

Tonight, I will patiently try to get the "dirty word, dirty word, dirty word"  machine threaded where it will work correctly.

I did find a place in town that repairs machine.  I pray he does good work for a good price and does it quick.  Taking it to Austin would be mean 1-2 weeks before I could get it back.


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