Thursday, September 29, 2011


I joined Booksneeze where you get free books inexchange for an honest review on a public website (such as Amazon), Booksneeze's website and your own blog.  Mine is called, Should I Buy the Book. I have been posting reviews, some from books I have gotten at garage sales etc and some from books I got from Booksneeze.  Took me awhile to realize, a picture of the bookcover would be helpful, so today, I got my bookcovers posted with my reviews.

My next book is on the way, "Ascent from Darkness: How Satan's Soldier Became God's Warrior" by Michael Leehan.   Looking forward to reading it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I am in like!

I like so many of the lights on this website. They even have ceiling fans like Julie's at the ranch, the ones with the curved ends. I would not have found this website if I hadn't been looking for turbine pendant lights that I saw in Country Living magazine. Now I want a taller house so it would make sense to order some unique lights.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Homesick Texan

I got a little carried away in my last post.  So, on day 1 of my new improved attitude, I want to share a blog I discovered.  Y'all may already know about it.

Homesick Texan -


An accidental old woman

I turned 55 and became an accidental old woman.  Looking in the mirror, I can honestly say, wrinkled was not one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up.  I envisioned being thin and married with a loving family.  I never planned to work outside the home.  I just wanted to be a wife and mother, not an employee. My days would be filled cooking, sewing and just loving on people.    Grandchildren would come to my house to enjoy a vibrant and cool mamaw!

So the reality is, I hit the double nickel and I ain't talking about the speed limit.  I am not thin (except my hair), I am not married and my loving family are my sisterchicks who accept me, wrinkles, cellulite and all.  My little Roo has a tired and cranky mamaw when he comes on the weekends  and well, unless Jesus or my ship comes soon, I will be working as a Walmart greeter or something else until the day I die.

My boss has already told me there would be no bonus or raise again this year.  A paycut and 2 years without a raise is hard.  May have to go back to housesitting or get a part time job to enable me to have spending money. Both options are limited as 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends are designated for Roo and the 2nd weekend of the month I work for Davey which does not leave me with much employeable time.

Anyway, for my birthday I decided to GET A LIFE.  Due to limited funds and available time, I am gearing my list to things for a broke, single and getting lonely woman.

1. Try something new, like actually starting and finishing my craft projects.

2. Lose the 60 pounds the doctor suggests would help my health - okay, I can afford walking.

3. Take a vacation (more than one day or afternoon off from work) and for once, leave the house.  I would really like to stay at least one night in the Hotel Blessing.

4.  Go out on a date. I have been single for 20 years and it has been 5 years since my last date.  I am not getting younger and would love a man to grow old with. Don't any of you know any godly, single men my age?  It would be nice if they liked to fish, hunt and work with their hands (got a big to do list).  Of course, it is a given that they must like short, fluffy women.

5.  Have an attitude of gratitude and leave the grumbling to others.

6.  ?????????????????????????????

I have no need of a long list or a bucket list. I am taking life one day at a time and waiting on Jesus to help me GET A LIFE.  The blessing of a car is evidence that God cares about me and my desires.  When I asked for someone to share my life with He provided mom (still not liking having her at my home) and Waylon.  All they do is make my desire my a husband stronger. 

The weather is cooler so now it should be easier to put my plans into action.  It is semi-bearable in the storage room where I will do my craft projects.  I need to remember to take my walking shoes to work.  Maybe I can even squeeze in some porch swing time (will have to wait until mom goes to bed so I can enjoy my time).  I can peruse the web to see what all there is to do once I get to the Hotel Blessing.  YEP, YEP, this will be a better year.