Thursday, December 16, 2010


Getting off tomorrow at noon was a nice thought but doesn't look like it will happen unless I get into the office by 6AM. 

This is supposed to be my 2 weeks off but Safeway was a presentation of our new Athens desserts and appetizers so guess who has to do some work on my 2 weeks off?? 

Not only that, but Walmart has decided to put our new Spinach & Feta pierogies in the new mod set so I have new item forms etc to get done.

Like I said, nice thought!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Now that the quilts are finished (pics in previous blog), I decided to de-clutter some more of my house.   About the only place left was my room and alllllllllllllllllllllllllll  my many books.  Tonight I removed about 400 books from the shelves, bagged them and tomorrow, some lucky thrift store will be the recipient.  Don't worry.  I still have plenty to read. 

I feeeeel good!!!!!!!!

Quilt pictures

                                          Waylon's quilt

                                         Kristina's quilt

Thank you Don and Julie for letting me use your arms to hold up the quilts.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Skinnying down!

No this is not about weight loss but about work loss.  I have lessened my housesitting loads and starting next year, it will be my last to do Davey's books.  I need the income, can't make my monthly bills without it, HOWEVER, I have spent the last 30 years working at least 2 jobs plus picking up housesitting, office cleaning,etc.  I am tired and worn out.

My income is decreasing but my bills are increasing so I know it makes no sense to quit doing his books especially since it only takes about 10-12 hours/month and he pays me a really good hourly rate but, as the saying goes, "When the aggravation outweighs the income, it is time to quit".    I do not enjoy the 2 hour drive to his house on Friday night, staying up late looking for lost invoices and then rushing back on Saturday to work some more.

All this change came about this weekend.  Davey's brother Danny surprised the doctors by living past the weekend.  While Davey was at the hospital, the opportunity came for Chris, Davey's son, to learn more about what I spend my time doing at Davey's, which is hunting for lost invoices.  Chris has wanted to me more involved with the business as in a couple of years, he will be taking it over.  So, now is a good time.  Starting in February, I will start training Chris to do the books so by the end of January 2012, I will no longer be needed. 

A sigh of relief, yes but a prayer for additional income to meet my financial needs without wearing myself out.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Singing, singing,

The fat lady is singing.  My back is killing me, my neck and shoulders are screaming in pain but both quilts are done, all except for the ragging of Kristina's, which I will complete tomorrow.  My sewing machine has gone on strike along with my body.

Thank you Jesus! 

Pictures will be coming once I get someone to hold them up so I can snap the picture.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Do you hear the fat lady singing???

Probably not because this fat lady will not be singing til the last quilt is done, HOWEVER, Mom has been diligently working this morning. The quilt is ready to wash and dry to curl the rag strips.  YEAH!!!  

One quilt down, one to go.

One side ragged

It is amazing how much you can get done before work when you wake up at 4AM (not intentionally).  Got one side of the quilt ragged.  Mom will work on it while I am gone.  I can see light at the end of the Waylon tunnel.  Soon, onto Kristina's quilt. 

Downhill side

Just down to the raggin on Waylon's quilt.  Got 2 rows done on one side but had to stop to pack.  Mom said she would work on it while I am gone but I did 22 squares to her 2, so do not anticipate the quilt being ready to wash and dry before I get back on Sunday.  I am just thankful for her help.

Thank you Jesus.  I could not have gotten this far without you.  Now, could you infuse this body with some muchly needed sleep.  The bags under my eyes are now large suitcases.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I am baffled!!!

I know I live in a state of chronic confusion but this is getting ridiculous.  Gene has a major meeting next week.  The reports I need in order to prepare him for the meeting are available today HOWEVER, our clients system is down.  Something happened to Verizon's system, which affected theirs.  All of this means I will be working LATE tonight so may not be able to finish the last 3 rows. 

Can't imagine why all the stumbling blocks with this quilt???

Almost there!

Boy, did Karen do an excellent job on fixin my sewing machine.  My baby just purrs.  I have 3 more rows to attach on Waylon's quilt, which will take about 1 - 1.5 hours.  Once that is done, then comes the hardest part, ragging the squares. There are 121 squares to rag on each side which means 242 squares on all 4 sides.  My fingers always get so sore cutting the seams into small strips.  This should take 3-4 hours.  The next step, washing and drying the quilt about 5 times to rag the seams.  Due to working at Davey's this weekend and housesitting, I should have the quilt finished sometime Monday night.

Tuesday I will start Kristina's quilt.  Thank you Jesus.  I should be through, dead tired but done, by Christmas.

This year, I get Christmas by myself, no mom, as she leaves the 13th and will return on the 30th.  I have some dear friends I hope will be able to come spend Christmas Day with me but not sure due to her health.

Work is calling my name so best get to it!