Thursday, October 28, 2010

Time away

I took a few days off from work.  Due to Davey's brother having surgery, our fishing trip was cancelled.  I called Julie and asked about some girl time at the ranch.  LOVED IT!!!!  Muchly needed mental vacation.

We got to the ranch on Thursday.   We spent some time feeding the goats and sheep and then tried to count them.  So much fun to watch the sheep just up and jump even though there is nothing for them to jump over.  Goats, they are so comical.  One goat looked ready to drop her babies any time.  Too bad it was not while we were there.

I had been having difficulties with my allergies.  So much congestion, loss of voice, etc.  I was tired.  In fact, I was so tired I think I went to bed around 8 or 8:30pm.  Julie was close behind.  Good thing Julie can sleep through my snoring.  Julie had brought Dickens for mousing purposes so I had a bedmate.  Not sure she truly like being pushed around during the night.  I sleep alone so it was easy for me to forget she was there.

We found a mouse nest but no mice (YEAH).  There was no mice rolling pecans across the floor, no dead mice floating in the toilet, no dead mice for Julie to step on, no DEAD MICE. 

Friday, we awoke to cold temps.  We got dressed and then decided we needed to add another layer.  We hit the back roads.  I love back roading except that it was too dark to take pics.  We saw a javalina, a very nice axis buck, fields of sunflowers and beauty everywhere.  There were some sheep munching grass along the fence line.  They all had their butts turned toward us.  So cute!

Got to Harper and the garage sale was not really good but loved getting a pic of the old diner. We found out the Catholic church was having their annual garage sale on Saturday so we would be coming back the next day. Heading back into Fredericksburg we saw a beautiful fallow buck.

Garage sales were OK.  One lady had a great sale.  I got 2 pairs of almost new shoes.  My size is hard to find in the store and so these were a treasure.  She also gave me 2 electric blankets that did not work but hey, the blanket part does.  I am donating those to a family in need.  I also got 2 small brown braided rugs. I have gotten several good deals in Fredericksburg on braided rugs over the years.  I was with Tammie when I got a 4' x 7' rug for $2.  It was rolled up, laying in a backyard and dirty.  It was so dirty, my boss hauled it in the back of his truck to the cleaners. The next day, he showed me that rug in a magazine for $129.  So far a cost of $17 (cleaning was $15), I have a beautiful rug.   One time I got a large braided brown rug for $5 and it was perfect for the Barlow bunkhouse (upper cabin at ranch). There were 2 garage sales that started in the afternoon so we ate a late lunch at the park.  Gorgeous day.  By now, we had stripped off a layer and were enjoying the warmth of the afternoon.  Oh, what a relaxing time.

Saturday morning, we hit the road early.  We saw some deer, turkeys and an absolutely breathtaking sunrise.  At times, it looked liked hot lava streaming down the sky. 

The first garage sale was a bonanza.  I got JC Penney tab curtains for my bedroom and a set of queen size sheets.  Both go with the quilt I had gotten in Marble Falls at the thrift store. I also got 2 large bath towels that match my mauve bathroom, lots of Land's End tank tops, a plant stand and a few other things, all for under $20.  IF we had had any way to haul it, I would have gotten the wooden glider that was $5.  It just needed a little TLC.  I tell you, we need to get Old Blue healthy again.

We hit 10 garage sales on Friday and close to 30 on Saturday.  I had bought a case of filters for my a/c that I cannot get here in Marble Falls.  I also bought a case of the smaller filters I use.  The filters, along with the free blankets are at Julie's.  Too much stuff to haul in her SUV.

God, thank you for the time away.  No phones, no computers, no work.  Just me, God and a precious sister. 

I think I will see if Julie and I can do that again next October.   Oh and Tammie, since you are no longer a Texas State Fair virgin, you will have to plan on coming, too.  It has been too long since we three were at Julie's ranch together.

Dottie, Roo and God!

I spend so much time on computers at work that when I get home, I reeeaaaaalllly don't want to be on them at all.  During the day, if possible, I pop on & off Facebook and my email.  I try to read a blog when I can but now that it is the busy season at the office, some things will have to go by the wayside.

Kristina is still up to her old tricks.  She called and asked me to watch Roo, which I did for a few hours on the 13th.  She told me I could have him any weekend.  So last weekend, I arranged to meet them at Walmart to get Roo.  She got mad because Waylon forgot to pack Roo's monkey and blanket and then, Waylon misunderstood where I parked so I was not allowed to take Roo for the weekend.  Now, if I want to have him, I can only talk to her and make arrangements.  YEAH, like that is going to happen.

Julie and I had been talking during our time at the ranch about God. I love our conversations and have truly missed them.  I had been listening to Joyce Meyer tapes and one of her comments really spoke to me.  If we truly believe that all things that happen to us are allowed by God, then why do we get upset if we are stuck in a traffic jam?  Food for thought!!!

Now apply that to the Kristina situation.  I was upset that Kristina was being a ?????, however, I had to realize that God allowed it to happen.  Turns out, it was for the best.  I had Dottie for the weekend.  When I picked up Dottie, Carol sent old towels with me as Dottie had been having a little bit of vomiting,  Friday night Dottie was fine.  Saturday, WHOA!!   That girl can spew buckets but did the green goo have to be in everyone room (I have a light colored carpet that came with the house) and on every braided rug.

Anyway, Dottie was violently ill all weekend.  I thought she might have a bug.  Monday, the vet had to give her an IV and ended up doing surgery that night.  Apparently, some time back, Dottie swallowed something like a small toy.  Anyway, it had moved about in her intestines and finally got stuck.  The vet had to remove most of her intestines.  Her survival rate is 20%.

I am grateful I did not have Roo.  While I was upset that Kristina did her thing, at least I did not have to concern myself with a 15 month old while mopping up green goo time and time again.

I need to remember not to get so upset, look to God and remember He allowed it to happen.