Monday, December 6, 2010

Skinnying down!

No this is not about weight loss but about work loss.  I have lessened my housesitting loads and starting next year, it will be my last to do Davey's books.  I need the income, can't make my monthly bills without it, HOWEVER, I have spent the last 30 years working at least 2 jobs plus picking up housesitting, office cleaning,etc.  I am tired and worn out.

My income is decreasing but my bills are increasing so I know it makes no sense to quit doing his books especially since it only takes about 10-12 hours/month and he pays me a really good hourly rate but, as the saying goes, "When the aggravation outweighs the income, it is time to quit".    I do not enjoy the 2 hour drive to his house on Friday night, staying up late looking for lost invoices and then rushing back on Saturday to work some more.

All this change came about this weekend.  Davey's brother Danny surprised the doctors by living past the weekend.  While Davey was at the hospital, the opportunity came for Chris, Davey's son, to learn more about what I spend my time doing at Davey's, which is hunting for lost invoices.  Chris has wanted to me more involved with the business as in a couple of years, he will be taking it over.  So, now is a good time.  Starting in February, I will start training Chris to do the books so by the end of January 2012, I will no longer be needed. 

A sigh of relief, yes but a prayer for additional income to meet my financial needs without wearing myself out.


  1. Will do! I'm happy for you. Plus, I know God has something great instore to pick up the lost income!

  2. Incredible last few weeks for you it seems. God is good, He will provide. Will be praying for you.
