Monday, November 22, 2010

Rag quilt

Waylon would like another rag quilt for Christmas.  Seems not only Kristina has taken his but their company loves that quilt. 

I started laying out the squares last night. Yes, I know I will be burning the midnight oil to get this done but my heart has just not been ready to make it.  As I said, I laid out the squares and nothing seemed to work.  This morning, it hit me what it was that didn't mesh.  The colors.  Waylon loves browns and greens and most of the shirts I already had cut up were blues and reds, so on to add to my already short time, I am having to cut more squares. Praisin Jesus I had some old brown and green flannel shirts that I had collected.  As with the last quilt, I am putting a scripture a address on each square of batting between the flannel layers.

Why oh why did I procrastinate?!/*?!

PS.  Send oil, someone to rub my shoulders and lots of caffeine please.  Oh, and a few quilting angels would be muchly appreciated.


  1. You're doing great! I made 2 quilts in less than a month once; just because I got the idea late. You'll do fine. And all the love that goes into it is amazing! You go girl!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Tammie. You should see the office floor. Slow week, boss is out so it is cut, cut, cut and paint (scriptures), paint, paint.
