Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Random nothingness!

Been awake since 2:30AM. Finally decided I was not going back to sleep so thought I would catch up on emails, blogging, etc.

LOVING the warmer weather!!!!!  : )

Update on the bamboo - got a portion of the back fence cleared of dead bamboo but got a long way to go.  The cold weather and surgery has kept me inside.

Miss my Roo but still have 2 weeks before the doctor will release me for strenuous activity and Roo IS strenuous activity.  Haven't had time with him since before Thanksgiving.  : (

Wish my son would call and ask if I am dead or alive.

Am disappointed in how little BCBS pays for all the medical procedures but am grateful I have less to pay than I would without it.  With what it cost for the biopsy and colonoscopy, I could have put wood floors in my house!!!  What is a few more years with the yucky carpet and crumbling peel and stick tile anyway!

Will find out biopsy results tomorrow.

My boob is almost down to normal size.

My tax info to the CPA - check
Davey's tax info - both business and personal to CPA - check
Gene's tax info to CPA - check
Do you hear my sigh of relief???

House dusted.

Accomplished 3 small tasks on my me-do list.  God, I need a honey so I can turn it into a honey-do list.

Recommended read:  The Debt by Angela Hunt

Now reading:  The Day I was Crucified as Told by Jesus the Christ by Gene Edwards

Been looking for a way to make income while being at home, part-time of course.  Hasn't happened yet but not giving up hope. 

Am praying about buying my neighbor's one bedroom house should it become available.  She has mentioned selling it and moving closer to her daughters.  With no money to put down, not sure that I will be able to do it but will trust God that if He wants me to have it, the financing will be available.  Should my sister ever take mom her 6 months of the year, I can move into the small house and rent out my house for almost enough to make the mortgage payments on both places.  First order of business, get rid of all that bamboo!!!  It is all in God's hands.

Even though my desk is too big to close the closet doors, at least having most of it in the closet opens up floor space.  Sure like my room better.

Have way toooo much stuff for my office closet but since I am not sure where God is leading me, do not want to get rid of the folders, etc I have used in womens ministry.

I have too much stuff to fit into just one junk drawer!!!

Miss spending time with friends.

Need to send out my Wednesday prayer list so guess I'd better sign off.

1 comment:

  1. I've missed your blogging! So glad to hear about your life, again. You are in my prayers, always!
