Sunday, November 27, 2011

More uncluttering

Roo went home early and while I was upset, a couple of good things came out of it.  Waylon will now get Roo Christmas night through New Year's Eve (praying Kris keeps her word) plus, I was able to get some things done.

1.  Out of town Christmas packages mailed.

2.  Sewing scissors taken in to be sharpened.  Should have them back this week.

3.  I was able to borrow my boss' deer truck to go scoop cow manure on Davey's deer lease.  Got it on the garden before it rained.  Hopefully this will help mom's garden grow this summer.  Of course, not having 90 days of 100+ temps would also help.

4.  Donated another approx 100 books to mom's church library.  Believe it or not, my bookshelves are still full, however, some shelves hold Roo's clothes and VHS tapes (75 freebies).

5.  Cleaned my sewing room.  I have been buying sewing containers at garage sales for the thread but that also included lots of the travel spools of thread, pins, buttons, etc.  Not really needing those small spools, I bagged up spools of threads with needles and donated them to the local pantry to distribute.  Now someone can at least sew on a button or mend a seam.

The more I de-clutter, the more I find needs to be de-cluttered.  Thank you Jesus, that for the better part of this year, you have been helping me to realize how much stuff I have that I do not use or need, that can benefit others.

This morning I am going to go help Davey fill deer feeders.  They have started Davey on insulin and right now, finding the amount that works hasn't happened.  His son cannot go with him and no way should he be out on the ranch alone.  Davey is not a Christian so I am praying for God to open the door for me to once again share the gospel with him.  I have been praying for Davey's salvation for almost 16 years.  This is an area he and Waylon have in common.  They believe in God, they just do not want to make him Lord of their lives.  One day, they both will.  I just know it.

Well, my ironing is waiting and I still have the cabinets in the laundry/sewing room to unclutter.  Hope to get these done before Davey gets here.  Next is my bathroom cabinets.  I would like to get them uncluttered before Roo comes on Thursday.

I can't tell you what a difference it makes to have less to organize, sort through and CLEAN.  Lessening my stuff to be dusted takes a load off my shoulders.  Less housecleaning required, more time with Roo, sewing, reading and other things.  I FEEL SOOOOOO GOOD!!!  THANK YOU JESUS!

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