Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Last week, I was ministering to a friend at church. One of her children is very hateful to her and uses Facebook as one of her tools to spread lies. Are they lies? Yes. I mean, if you are going to spread the lie that your mother stood you in the front yard and set fire to your legs, at least have the scars to prove it.

Sorry for the slight bunny trail. Anyway, as I was sharing how all I could see when I looked at mom was betrayal and that I wanted her to suffer, she made the comment that maybe that is how her daughter saw her. It was in that moment that God showed me how my anger at the daughter and her treatment of her mother was a mirror of me and how I treated mom.

I can't say everything is super at my house but for the first time since mom moved in, I did not dread going home.

God continues to work.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes God doesn't sugar coat things. Sometimes, I wish he did.
