Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What to say?

Yeppers, it has been awhile since I have written. I will use the old excuse, I have been busy, busy, busy! I have helped make costumes for VBS and worked with a friend on the Mother Day givaways at church. Personally, I think we did an awesome job. Debbie and I painted a flower on cardstock. For the center of the flower, we glued a mirror. Underneath, eash flower, Debbie wrote, beautifully I must add, "You are a reflection of God's love!" The card was cut in a diamond shape. A pretty ribbon was put on one of the diamond tips so they could hang it.We used a variety of colors of cardstock so each one is unique.

To top all of this off, I went fishing. The fishing was a bust but mentally, it was just what I needed. We weathered (pun intended), high winds, rain and one severe storm that almost sank Davey's boat.

Mom got back in town Monday night so now that I have gotten somewhat caught up at the office, things are back to somewhat normal. My weekend plans are to help a friend at her house and then CLEAN my own. The dust bunnies are taking over.

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