Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lesson from the doves

Early Sunday morning, I took Dottie out for her morning run. While she tromped through the grass, I sat in my rocking chair, listening to the sounds of morning. Not something I seem to get to do much anymore so I closed my eyes and just soaked it all in.

My peaceful moment was interrupted by the LOUD cooing of one lone dove, who I will call JC. JC sat on the electric lines and cooed and cooed and cooed some more. As JC cooed, I could hear the soft cooing of other doves returning the call from some distance away. I noted their coos grew louder and then stopped as they flew to the trees close by where JC sat.

Where there had only been JC, now the barren trees were filled with doves. Although JC continued to coo, the other doves remained silent. All of a sudden, JC quit cooing and they next thing I knew, all the doves were swooping down to feast at the bird feeders in the backyard. Some swooped to the feeders, feasting on the sunflowers seeds, others stayed on the ground and ate leftovers.

As I watched this scenario play out, I thought about Jesus, how he calls and calls and calls and many come, desiring to be fed and filled. However, many are empty because they did not heed the call.

Then God spoke to me.

God reminded me of the many times Jesus has called me to spend time with Him, yet I do not come as I let the busyness of my day take priority. Or the times, I grab a morsel from my devotional or from a blip on the radio. Instead of being fed by Jesus, I chose to feast on regurgitated christianity.

Obviously, I need to learn a lesson from the doves.


  1. I like that picture!

    I didn't find my camera. I am bummed, but we are planning to go back this summer. Only thing is the lilies won't be blooming. I could have used my mom's but I didn't think of it. They live near Bay City.

  2. Thank you for sharing about the doves. You are soooo right! I feel it in my spirit when I'm absent from Him and choose to get off His lap. Always need reminders :D Love ya sweet and precious friend!

