Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jury Duty

I am on Jury Duty this week. It is so hot in there, you would think I would have sweated off a few pounds. Last night we did not get out of there until after 7PM. I got home about 10PM after going to work, tending to what I could and then doing Davey's payroll.

Something happened at our church that is very hurtful. It reminds me of why I left the last church. I feel I must find another place to worship. I normally would not leave just yet as I have not finished facilitating the Character Makeover study but believe I can no longer go through those church doors.

My friend Rhonda has found a church she loves so think I will give it a try on Sunday. Even mom says she will not be going back.

Why can't we just love Jesus and do what he directs? Why must man muck things up with their rules? JUST GIVE ME JESUS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that you are back! Sorry to hear that your church is having trouble. I know you will find where He wants you to be.
