Monday, August 30, 2010

Back in the saddle

Got real sick last week. Not sure what it was but the loss of 6 lbs in one day was OK. Praisin Jesus I have not gained them back. Time to take a look at eating healthier.

I finished going through every room, closet, drawer, cabinet, etc in the house. A friend of mine needs money and is planning a garage sale. What a great motivator for me to get rid of clutter. I got rid of chairs and other pieces of furniture not in use not to mention sewing stuff, picture frames, office supplies, purses, etc. I think the saying is true that our clutter controls us.

Mom even went through and cleaned out some of her stuff. YEAH!!!

Still have way more books than needed but I have now scaled back to buying no more than 5 books a month. The one exception is the books I buy for the mentally challenged couple in the nursing home. I buy the books they like and send them a box every other month.

With cooler temps hopefully coming soon, I want to finish sanding and staining the chairs I got for the dining room. A friend is going to cut the wood seats for me. Covering those will will easy. Once I get those done and out of the storage room, I will have space to work on other projects, like a nightstand.

I want to rearrange the office part of my bedroom so I can enjoy my room more and not feel so closed in when I am at the computer.

I went to church with Rhonda. It was so good to go to church where there was just praisin Jesus and learning more about Him. Our church has been in such turmoil but with me leading Character Makeover, I chose not to leave as so many have. So sad to see power issues tear God's church apart.
I am still praying about whether to stay or go. This is the second departure of indiviuals in less than a year.

Guess I best get back to work. Gene is in all week so will have plenty to do.

I do appreciate all of y'alls prayers.

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