Friday, January 21, 2011

40 day spending fast

I just finished reading an article about a lady who decided to go on a 40 day spending fast from everything except basic necessities.  At the end of 40 days, she had saved $2,000.  She found that instead of buying gifts, she made gifts from things laying about her house.  Instead of buying a book she needed for her book club, she checked it out at the library.  She fasted from her "paper-cup" habit.  When hosting a holiday party, she made it pot-luck, emailed invitations to save postage, etc.  As she put it, "finding no-cash options became a game; though it took some work, it was fun and rewarding"

How much would I save if I went on a 40 day fast????  I can fit Dr. Pepper into my grocery budget and count it as a basic necessity, right???   And how about a 40 day fast from garage sales???  Now that is scary! 

Still, I wonder how if I could do it??  Could I follow through?  After all, my many attempts to quit Dr. Pepper have failed.  I could fall back on the Fruit of the Spirit, that good ole SELF CONTROL. When my health depended on it, I quit Dr. Pepper for 10 years.  Before I moved into this house, I budgeted $20/month for frivolous spending, such a eating out, books, garage sales and rarely spent it all.

God has been speaking quite loudly and abundantly to me about simplifying my life.  Perhaps He is showing me another part of the process. 

Well, at least I will have something to ponder over the weekend!


  1. And I thought that doing Dave Ramsey was tough! Let me know if you decide to do that. I wouldn't want to temp you by offering a garage sale weekend!

  2. I am preparing for the annual rummage sale in Fredericksburg at St. Joseph's Hall. First weekend in April.

    Save the date.
