Tuesday, September 7, 2010

God is moving in the Hill Country

For the past 2 weeks, I have been attending a new church in Marble Falls.  I come away so refreshed, wanting for the service not to end, for the teachings to keep coming.  Sunday, some of us got together after church to discuss what we learned.  AHHHHHHSOME!

The pastor announced that this church was not started to take people away from other churches but to give the non-church going people another option.  When a friend of mine who came shared with the pastor that she and her husband were involved in a startup church in Granite Shoals, he asked how River of Life Ministries could help.  Our pastor believes churches should fellowship together.  Love it!

I am grateful for Rhonda inviting me to attend her church.  It was her enthusiasm for this church that got me to go.  Now I can see why she is so excited.  ROLM is a spirit filled, Jesus celebrating church.

I am not sure if this is where God wants to plant me but am grateful I know I am welcome anytime.  I also want to try the Smokin for Jesus church.  Eagerly looking forward to finding where God wants me.

God is moving in the Hill Country.  Concrete walls are coming down as churches are sharing their passion by fellowshipping together, encouraging each other, helping each other.   Keep on movin GOD, I am right there with you.


  1. I'm soooo excited for you! I know it's been a struggle. Are you meeting in a home? Spill it gurl! :)

  2. River of Life Ministries in the old Wise Owl building next to the Ford dealership. Been a long time since I have taken notes and longed for more. Not sure this is where God is going to plant me but for now, I am getting filled.
